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Fuel Cells – Clean Energy for the Future

A fuel cell operates by converting the chemical energy from a fuel like hydrogen, into electricity through an electrochemical reaction of hydrogen with oxygen or another oxidizing agent. In contrast to conventional batteries, a fuel cell receives the input chemicals from the outside and can produce electricity continuously, as long as fuel and oxygen are supplied.

The earliest applications of fuel cells were in the space programs where NASA used them for generating power for satellites and space capsules. Over the years, there has been a gradual adoption of fuel cells in other applications such as a power source for establishments and a host of vehicles.

The ability of fuel cells to function as an off-grid power source for stationary, portable and transportation applications, is the major factor responsible for the growth of its market. Fuels cells also have the added advantages of being able to operate in remote areas and in a green manner with zero emissions.

By 2019, the global fuel cell market size is estimated to reach $5.20 billion, and the unit shipments of fuel cells are expected to exceed 200,000. This IP landscape report studies patents that are currently in force, which address the technologies and applications related to fuel cells.

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