Digital Wallets: The Future of Money

Technology has changed the way we interact with money. With the inception of Internet banking and the rise of digital wallets, consumers can conduct financial...

Finding Key Inventors using i-index

In a previous post, we compared the inventor i-index scores for the famous inventors – Edison and Tesla. In this article, we show how one...

Fujifilm: Innovating a Corporate Makeover

Fujifilm recently launched a new global brand campaign called ‘Never Stop’ to position itself as a company that has moved beyond its photographic film business...

i-index – What It Is and Is Not

Relecura’s i-index aims to provide inventors with an objective measure of the impact of the patents they hold. The i-index provides a composite score that...

A Peek into the Inventor Index

“When you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it; when you cannot express it in...